„Bollard” miniplates

„Bollard” miniplates

Orthodontic implants are a type of dental treatment that are designed to sit in the bone-structure of the mouth and jaw, often to act as an anchor for further treatments. Orthodontic implants are used in cases of crooked, protruding, or crowded teeth where braces are not sufficient, allowing more precise leverage over the teeth.

Anyone who has most of their adult teeth is a candidate for orthodontic implantation, which is usually around 12 years but can be as early as 7. One popular type of orthodontic implant are „Bollard” miniplates.

Why is it important to straighten teeth?

There are many factors that can cause teeth to not be straight – individual anatomical features of the teeth and jaw, loss of a tooth, etc – and are found in nearly half the population of the planet (45%).

When left unchecked the problem can actually become worse, for example, when a tooth is missing and the other teeth start to move towards the missing space, becoming more crooked or overcrowded as time passes. The problem can also be exacerbated when the teeth crowd so much that it becomes harder to keep the teeth and gums clean, which can lead to a build-up of plaque and tartar and eventually lead to an assortment of periodontal diseases. When left unchecked this can cause teeth to begin to rot and eventually become loose and fall out. This will make treatment significantly harder and more costly as now teeth must be replaced, otherwise the remaining teeth will keep trying to fill the gap.

In children specifically, though this can also affect adults, crooked and crowded teeth can cause many psychosocial difficulties. Maintaining a correct bite is essential since as your child grows their jaw will get larger and a bite defect can cause the jaw to develop incorrectly, leading to even more complex problems. Additionally, problems with their teeth and jaws can hinder speech development and can even become full speech impediments which, even once the teeth are fixed, could require speech therapy to remove. Both speech and aesthetic problems can significantly impact your child’s emotional development, potentially leading to confidence and self-esteem issues.

Ultimately, it is cheaper and safer if you get orthodontic treatment as soon as possible, and our professional surgeons and orthodontists will ensure the best outcome.

What are „Bollard” Miniplates?

„Bollard” Miniplates, also known as bone-anchored maxillary protraction, are a type of orthodontic implant that are used to help in severe cases of malocclusion. „Bollard” miniplates consist of a small miniplate which connects to the bone via a number of titanium screws, this acts as base for a small hook.

The hook of the „Bollard” miniplate is used as an anchor for a piece of elastic, which provides the elastic force needed to pull the lower jaw back and the top forward. The elastic is anchored to another „Bollard” miniplate. This type of treatment is much more convenient than wearing reverse pull headgear during the night.

How are „Bollard” Miniplates installed?

doctor picking up instruments from table

„Bollard” Miniplates are a quick and simple implant to install due to how simple the implant is itself. The largest factor at play is the angle and amount of leverage, which can be fine-tuned with the use different elastics, with the position of the miniplates being mostly standardised. „Bollard” miniplates can be placed in the canine or molar regions of the lower and upper jaws, as well as the cheekbone.

Once the orthodontist has decided the location of the plate, three small incisions are made in the oral mucosa, which are peeled back to create a small flap. This exposes the bone underneath. The surgeon will then drill 3 to 4 small holes in the bone, which then serve as the housing for a number of titanium screws that securely hold the „Bollard” miniplate in the desired location. Once installed, the mucosa flap is then folded over the miniplate and sutured, allowing the skin to heal around the implant.


anesthesia machine tubes

Despite being simple, a lot of patients still feel anxious about any dental surgery, with the major reasoning being fear of pain. Luckily, installation of „Bollard” miniplates is often performed under local anaesthesia, which is an injection that causes localised numbness in the area but keeps the patient awake and aware. If a patient suffers from anxiety or other conditions that may cause them to move and disrupt the procedure, they can be given intravenous sedation which make the patient feel drowsy and relaxed. They are aware enough to talk and answer questions, but will not feel any pain or anxiety, allowing the procedure to be performed safely.

However, in cases where the surgery will be more complex and thus longer, the patient can have the option of general anaesthesia. This is where you are completely unconscious, in a deep sleep, and are unaware of the procedure.

To keep the patient safe during the use of anaesthetics, a qualified anaesthetist will be present who will use a selection of modern equipment and technology to observe the patient’s condition.

Why „Bollard” Miniplates?

„Bollard” Miniplates perform really well in their range of speciality. A study by Dr M. Cornelis found that they have a success rate of over 90%, with the majority of non-successes being caused by the patient undergoing rapid pubescent growth. Many patients in the study actually claim they preferred the experience over other orthodontic treatments such as reverse pull headgear and that, despite the small incision and drilling, they found little to no postoperative pain or discomfort. They believe that the „Bollard” miniplates allow for multiple conditions to be corrected that may not have been fully treatable without.

Orthodontic treatment in our clinic

The dental surgeons in our clinic are specialists at the installation and then removal of an assortment of orthodontic treatments.

There are a large number of different treatment methods available for correcting the position of teeth, many of which we offer within our clinic. We use only the best treatment method(s) for each patient and perform them in a way to limit pain and discomfort to our patients. We do this by providing our team of highly trained experts with only the best modern equipment, to help them achieve the best final smile results.

Our dentists will pick which orthodontic treatment will best suit your needs. These can include „Bollard” implants as discussed here, braces, clear aligners, and more. Sometimes the treatment may require a combination treatment using both braces and „Bollard” miniplates, which allows for specific application of the leverage to treat even more severe cases of malocclusion.

If you have any signs of an improper bite, we advise you to book an appointment as soon as possible with one of our experts.